ThinkSmart Series

Combining innovative technology with personalized services, Lenovo ThinkSmart solutions will redefine your meeting space.

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Meet ThinkSmart Hub 500, the all-in-one, purpose-built Room System.

Lenovo ThinkVision 17-inch monitor product

A better way for teams to work together

Scalable across rooms of all sizes, ThinkSmart Hub 500 for Microsoft Teams simplifies meetings across people and places. The device delivers built-in security and manageability features using both Windows 10 IoT Enterprise and Intel® vPro processing. It’s simple to use and a cinch to manage, and includes enterprise-grade security.

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ThinkVision 19-inch Monitor

Unlock the workday’s full potential

Unleash your PC’s ultimate productivity. ThinkSmart View is a collaborative smart device that works from an individual’s workspace, tackling administrative tasks that waste a PC’s resources. The device works with a PC to “divide and conquer” so you can simultaneously use your PC for productivity and ThinkSmart View for administrative tasks. Think of it as a personal productivity assistant for the workplace.

Is Lenovo right for you?

Improve your professional visual capabilities with Lenovo monitors from Insight.

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